Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Cherish those you love. Now. Not later. Before it's too late.


Dr. Burke: George O'Malley...there's no blame here. Your father's body is diseased and has undergone tremendous trauma. Now his organs are shutting down. There's no blame here. 

George: Do people come back from this? His B.U.N and creatine are high. I get that. I was just wondering, in your experience, can people come back from this? 

Dr. Burke: I don't have any statistics. I don't have any more medicine for you. Now it's about faith. 

George: We're men of science. 

Dr. Burke: In my experience, science is not enough O'Malley. But if you want me to hope with you. If you'd like me to send up a prayer, that is a thing I'd be happy to do.


George: Dad... That neighbor kid? Mike Wilden? I did hit him in the face with a stick. And when his dad came over and he was yelling, and you asked me if it was true...I lied. And you thought I'd never lied. So you took my side. And you and his dad got in this big fight. And then his kids egged our house, and then Ronny and Jerry went over and blew up his lawn mower. Anyway...I did it. He was teasing me and he was bigger than me so I needed a stick to reach his face. And I lied to you dad. So...I'm saying I'm sorry. Dad...if you have any more fight in you...if you could fight this thing just...just a little harder that would be good. That'd be good right now.


Meredith: Did you get any sleep last night? 

Izzie: No. I stayed up baking and cleaning the bathroom floor in case George wants to lay down on it. It's weird, I have all this money. And I would spend every penny of it to save George from what he's about to go through. But I can't. It's useless. So I made cobbler.


Christina: There's a club...the dead dad's club. And you can't be in it until you're in it. You can try and can sympathize. But until you feel that dad died when I was 9. George...I'm really sorry you had to join the club. 

George: I...I don't know how to exist in a world where my dad doesn't. 

Christina: Yeah, that never really changes.

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